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Eric J Berning

Member Of Team Tufts

Many of you know I have Chiari and Syringomyelia.  This fundrasier is to raise funds to continue the awareness and education of those who suffer from these conditions. 

ASAP does a great job bringing these issues to light but more needs to be done. 

Our issues are not well known because our conditions can not simply be treated with a drug and the surgery that is commonly related to treating our conditions does not always correct all the issues we suffer from.

Many people with Chari and Syringomyelia suffer quietly because if you look at us we seem to be quite normal and "okay".  If we didn't tell you we were in pain or unable to do something you probably would never know.

Please take a moment to at least visit the ASAP.Org site to learn more about CM/SM and then consider a donation to this fundraiser.

  • Goal $100.00
  • Raised $20.00
Top Donations
  • kelli Stewart - $20.00
Donor Date Amount Message
kelli Stewart 5/6/2014 $20.00